Motorcycle Injuries
As an avid motorcycle rider himself, Domink Rostocki, Esq. knows how vulnerable motorcyclists are on the road. Every time the driver of a car takes his or her attention off of the road to text message or apply makeup, that driver endangers the lives of motorcyclists nearby. Whereas a person in a car may be able to survive a collision with a motorcycle, a collision at any speed can be fatal for the motorcyclist.
The Rostocki Law Firm, LLC understands these issues from the motorcyclist's point of view, and understands how catastrophic injuries sustained on motorcycles can be. Our ultimate goal in litigating motorcycle injury cases is to make roads and communities safer for motorcyclists while making sure that a person injured in this type of crash can focus on getting better. If you have been injured in a motorcycle accident, call RLF at 215-575-7624, or submit your case by using our online form.